
Sen: The Art and Science of Offensive Security

I fell in love with computers when I was 13 years old and I haven’t looked back since. Taking a computer apart and making it do things it wasn’t designed for was one of the greatest joys as a kid, and it’s only gotten worse over time. My second passion in life is budo (martial arts). I have studied martial arts since I was 17 years old in a variety of traditional and modern forms. These passions have taken me around the world to study and teach what I have learned. This blog is just a reflection of those loves; breaching web applications, reverse engineering, craftsmanship, martial arts, and self mastery.

Sen(te) - 先

The name of this website/company is derived from the Japanese word for initiative. In martial arts and the game “Go”, sen refers to an overwhelming move that forces your opponent to have to respond (thus controlling the initiative). The move typically results in a disorienting/destabilizing pressure referred to as kuzushi. In general, the person controlling initiative is most likely to win in competition or battle. In this sense, when testing our systems we search for how we can obtain this initiative and leverage it to achieve our purpose.

- Andrew @kuzushi